To activate SMART System Repair on your computer, all you need to do is copy your license key from the email you've recieved after placing the order, and paste it into the activation window of SMART System Repair and activate it to unlock its full functionality. To get started, follow the step by step guide below:
1. Open SMART System Repair using the Desktop Shortcut.
2. Click on the 'UNLOCK Full Version' button in the left sidebar at the bottom left corner of SMART System Repair.
3. A popup window will apperar to accept your key as shown below. Now open the purchase confirmation email that you received right after your purchase. You will see your ‘License Key’ specified in this email. First, you need to select the ‘License Key’ and then copy the text (simply select the text and then hold down the ‘CTRL’ key and press the ‘C’ key. You can also right-click and select Copy. This will copy the text for you).
4. Next, you need to go back to SMART System Repair and then place your cursor in the text box which says ‘XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX’. Once your cursor is in this box, you can click on the "Click here to paste the copied License key" link below the text box to paste the code you copied. You can also hold down the ‘CTRL’ key and then press the ‘V’ key or right-click and choose Paste to paste the code.
5. After you've successfully copied & pasted the ‘License Key’ into the product, all you need to do is click the button that says ‘Activate Now‘. SMART Sytem Repair will verify your key and activate the product to unlock all premium features.
Congratulations! You have successfully registered the SMART System repair. You will notice that the ‘Unlock Full Version’ button will no longer appear on the main window of SMART System Repair.
In case you do not have a license key to activate SMART System Repair, you may get one by clicking the button below.
Enjoy your use of SMART System Repair!